Automatic Monthly Payments

Giving Electronically Monthly is a convenient and secure way to give to Georgetown College. Giving a little each month can make a huge difference by the end of the year. It's easier on your wallet and budget than a single large donation.

Here's how it works: Use our online payment system and set up your monthly deduction using your credit or debit card. 

1. Online payment through your bank—If you pay your monthly bills online, just add Georgetown College as one of your payees and notify the advancement office so only one receipt will be sent to you at the end of the year.

2. Checks We welcome checks made out to Georgetown College and sent to the address below.

Office of Advancement
Georgetown College
400 E. College St.
Georgetown, KY 40324

You may also drop checks off in person Monday-Friday until 5 p.m. in the Office of Advancement on the first floor of Giddings Hall. Be sure to designate your gift to the "Loyalty Fund" or other purposes on the memo line.

Do you have questions about giving to Georgetown College using checks, credit cards or automatic monthly gifts?

Contact the Office of Advancement at [email protected] or 502-863-8089.

Stock Gifts

Donations of stock are credited to the donor on the date the stock is received by the College and are to be entered as a gift at that day’s value. The Business Office has the challenge to sell the stock as soon as possible to guarantee it is counted in the appropriate fiscal year. The donor credit for the gift is not affected by the actual selling price of the stock.


For more information regarding stock gifts, please contact the Advancement Office at [email protected] or 502-863-8089.

Planned Giving

In addition to outright giving, “planned giving” is an exciting way to fulfill philanthropic goals, because a “planned gift” provides not only a gift in support of Georgetown College but also multiple financial and tax benefits to the donor and his or her family. For example, a donor may transfer cash or property to Georgetown and, in return, receive fixed, lifetime income payments, provide fixed, lifetime income payments to a family member or friend, and enjoy a sizeable income tax deduction. After the death of the donor(s), any remaining gift value will be used to benefit Georgetown College.

The above example is just one type of planned gift. However, there are many more types of planned gifts available to Georgetown supporters, which are summarized below. Similar to outright gifts, planned gifts can also be designated to benefit a particular area or program.

Alternatively, planned gifts can be undesignated to assist with the College’s greatest opportunities and needs.

The right type of planned gift will depend on a donor’s personal situation, needs, and objectives. Accordingly, Georgetown College staff are committed to helping you discover the best gift planning solution that achieves your financial and charitable giving goals.

Planned Giving Donor Recognition

The Pawling Heritage Society recognizes those who have made a planned gift to Georgetown College, as well as to inspire others to consider such gifts. If you have made a planned gift to Georgetown College through your estate, please complete this form so the College can record and recognize your gift accurately.

Download: Pawling Heritage Society Giving Form.pdf

License Plates

We want Georgetown to be the independent Kentucky college that sells the most license plates each year.

The initial cost of a Georgetown College license plate is $44; renewal is $31. For more information, click here or call the Director of Development at 502-863-8058.

Matching Gifts

Did you know many employers will match charitable donations? Click here to see if you’re eligible to double your gift to Georgetown College, and make your support go even further. Thank you for taking this extra step to further your gift!

Many companies will match the charitable gifts of their employees–sometimes even of retired employees and spouses. This is a great way to instantly increase your gift to Georgetown College. You can ask your HR department if your company will match your gift, or you can use search online to see if your company has a matching gift program. If your company is eligible, obtain a matching gift form from your employer, fill it out, and send it with your gift to:

Office of Development
400 East College Street
Georgetown, KY 40324

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